Top 5 Upholstery Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid


A grey couch with patterned cushions surrounded by home décor

Nobody likes dealing with stubborn upholstery stains.

Upholstery cleaning can be a tricky task, especially if you do not have any professional cleaners to help out. Hence, you should know some important things before you start cleaning upholstery on your own. The lack of general awareness about proper upholstery cleaning exposes many people to some rookie mistakes. Do not worry, though! These mistakes are easily avoidable.

Here are some upholstery cleaning mistakes to watch out for.

1. Using the Wrong Cleaning Materials

There is no “one size fits all” with upholstery cleaning. Every type of fabric requires a different cleaning product. People often fail to recognize the materials their upholstery is made of, which is why they end up using the wrong cleaning products. Make sure to determine if your upholstery requires a water-based cleaner, a solvent-based cleaner, or both. The requirements are often denoted by respective letter codes on your upholstery.

2. Rubbing and Scrubbing Stains

Your intuition may suggest that scrubbing an upholstery stain is the most effective way to get rid of it, but it’d be wrong. Scrubbing and rubbing stains push them further into the fabric, making them harder to remove. You should always gently blot the stain instead. Use paper towels or a clean white cloth to blot the area after applying the right cleaning product to it.

3. Soaking in Water

Certain upholstery materials are fairly easy to stain, even with plain water. If you leave a stained area soaked with water instead of blotting as much of it as possible, you will likely be left with a water stain. That is why it is recommended to use as little water as possible.

4. Overheating the Fabric

Steam cleaners also make it easy for you to limit the amount of water you use for upholstery cleaning. However, you must be careful with the amount of heat you apply to your upholstery. Certain materials like silk can easily get damaged due to overheating.

A professional cleaner cleaning a sofa

5. Not Getting Professional Upholstery Cleaning Services

Upholstery stains can still persist even after taking all the relevant steps. Even if there are no visible stains, you should still get professional upholstery cleaning services on a regular basis.

You can reach out to the highly experienced and trusted Calgary cleaners at GDI Home Services for assistance. They provide a wide range of professional cleaning services, including carpet cleaning, exterior window cleaning, and upholstery cleaning in Calgary.

Get a quote from them today!


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