How to Keep Pets from Ruining Your Upholstery?


A pet cat resting on a sofa

We love our pets, and they love us. Unfortunately, their love doesn’t extend to our furniture.While you cannot do much when your pet ruins your favourite sofa or armchair, there are ways to prevent your furry friend from repeating the mistake.

There are various ways to train your pets and prevent them from damaging carpets, rugs, sofas, mattresses, and cushions. Let’s talk about them in this article.

How to Keep Your Upholstery and Carpets Free of Pet Stains?

There are many tips that help you prevent your pets from making a mess on your valuable rugs, carpets, and upholstery. However, you need to have a professional residential cleaning company that can help you deal with pet stains. For example, at GDI Home Services, you can book expert carpet and upholstery cleaning in Calgary.

The company uses safe and top cleaning equipment and products that can remove all kinds of pets stains from your home accents. They recommend you get professional carpet and upholstery cleaning done at least twice a year.

Clean Pet Stains Right Away

You need to be very proactive with cleaning pet stainsto make your carpets and furnishings last longer. There is no way you can prevent your pets from creating a mess. But with prompt cleaning and stain removal, the impact of the stains can be minimized.

However, if you are dealing with stubborn pet stains, do not delay getting professional carpet cleaning assistance right away!

Buy Comfy Alternatives for Pets

Yes, pets also need comfy beds and chairs to sprawl in. If your pets do not have a comfy alternative like a bed or bean couch, they will use your sofas, couches, and beds. Give your pets a warm, cozy, and inviting spot and discourage them from hopping onto the furniture.

Training pets is easy and effective and works in the long run. You should spend some time teaching your pet how and where they can relax.  

A dirty carpet on a staircase

Use the Right Cleaning Tools

Let's be real, we cannot prevent our pets from making accidental spills. This is especially true for untrained pets. Therefore, as a pet parent, you need to be smart about cleaning pet stains and spills. For example, avoid using paper towels or a cloth to pick solid messes from carpet and sofas as they can push the germs further in.

Instead, use a dust pan or a putty knife to carefully and swiftly lift and discard the mess.

However, if your upholstery items are dirty and full of pet hair, check out GDI Home Services today. The company offers professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services.

Use Sofa and Mattress Covers

A great way to prevent your pets from staining sofas, couches, and mattresses is to invest in quality stretch sheet covers. They are perfect for covering the entire surface area of your upholstery items without making them appear unattractive.

Sheet covers are available in different shapes, sizes, and colors allowing homeowners to choose what complements their interior theme and personal taste.

How Can GDI Home Services Help You?

Professional carpet, mattress, area rug, and upholstery cleaning services can make your expensive and beautiful furniture and home accents last longer.

At GDI Home Services, you can book the most effective residential cleaning services performed by highly qualified technicians and cleaning staff. The company values customer satisfaction and service quality over everything else. Their competitive pricing speaks volumes about their focus on providing excellent furnace, vent, pressure washing services, window, mattress, and upholstery cleaning in Calgary, Alberta.

Contact them for more details.


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