
Showing posts from September, 2022

Extend Your Commercial Roof’s Life with These Maintenance Tips

  Commercial roofing systems are designed to last as long as possible. However, that doesn't mean commercial roofing materials are completely invincible. A commercial roofing system can outlast its life expectancy, but they need proper maintenance for it.  Here are some maintenance tips to extend your commercial roof's lifespan;   Redo The Finish Every Few Years If your commercial building has metal roofing, you probably have a 40-year warranty for it. However, it can easily last more than 50 years . You'd need to ensure that it's protected against water damage. The finish on your metal roof  protects the metal from being exposed to water and other elements. To keep your metal roof protected, hire a roofing service provider and redo the finish if it starts to come off. Trim Tree Branches Touching You Roof If a tree branch touches your roof, the friction can remove the finish, exposing the metal and causing it to deteriorate. You'll have to replace the entire panel e

3 Reasons Not to Paint Your House Yourself

  Home improvement  is a popular topic in U.S. households. Each year, homeowners spend hundreds of dollars revamping their homes, making various minor and major changes to their layout. One of the easiest and most effective ways to breathe new life into your home is by giving it a new paint job. Exterior and interior house painting  can instantly transform your spaces , making them look brand new. However, you should only consult professional house painting services for this task. Here’s why DIY house painting is not  a good idea. It Can Be More Expensive Most people who opt to paint their house themselves believe they’re saving costs. However, the cost of a DIY painting project is often more than, or close to, the cost of a professional paint job. This is because you need to invest in painting equipment, ranging from paints and primers to drop sheets and ladders. Depending on the scope of your project, you may also need to purchase repair materials and additional accessories. Doesn’t